Middle School - Maumee Valley Skip to main content

Middle School

(Grades 4-8)

students in nasa setup

Nurturing young minds

The Middle School years (approximately ages 9-14) are a time of tremendous maturation and self-discovery for children. Especially during these years at Maumee Valley, we view every student as an individual with unique abilities, needs, and possibilities.

Our philosophical approach in Middle School: Combine rigorous academics with character education and high levels of creativity. In addition, our 8:1 student-to-faculty ratio allows teachers to work one-on-one with students every day. These strengths help us achieve a balance between promoting academic achievement and personal well-being.

Academic excellence: Igniting curiosity

Middle School faculty at Maumee Valley set high standards and are experts at challenging students and creating engaging courses. Students in grades 4-8 study mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, Spanish, the arts, and physical education. Each subject has clearly defined, developmentally appropriate learning outcomes that reflect the school’s mission of academic preparation.

Validating this approach, ERB scores are consistently higher than other area independent schools. In addition to managing a rigorous academic schedule, students participate in many on-campus and state academic competitions, such as MATHCOUNTS and Power of the Pen.

Many MS students come from homes where languages other than English are spoken. From Arabic and Mandarin to Hindi and Vietnamese, they are bilingual learners by nature. Building on those capabilities, we have made Spanish a core academic class. (We have five full-time Spanish faculty at Maumee Valley.) The Spanish program uses a proficiency-based model, which emphasizes communication in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Culture is embedded in students’ learning, too, as they listen to Spanish music, read authentic texts, and connect with peers from Spanish-speaking countries. (In addition, students seeking language fluency can enroll in an American Sign Language class.)

The curriculum requires students to reach a level of oral proficiency as well as develop cultural awareness of the Spanish-speaking world. Students gain real-life cultural learning through visits with our exchange sister schools in Ecuador.

Math courses present students with a solid base of knowledge in a cooperative atmosphere of active exploration and constructive learning. To better instill confidence and understanding, students are encouraged to complete a high school-level Algebra I course by the end of 8th grade.

In our science courses, students observe the natural world, make inquiries about their surroundings, and apply critical thinking skills through analysis and discussion. In grades 4 and 6, students participate in the Math Mates program to further build math fluency and math mindsets.

Our language arts courses create expectations for students to read and think critically, communicate effectively, and understand many perspectives. Students learn to develop effective and well-written essays, allowing them to advance to the Upper School with confidence in their writing skills.

Our social science courses facilitate students’ abilities to draw on foundational knowledge in history, geography, economics, civics, and culture to understand current issues and their historical underpinnings. Students apply this emerging knowledge as they develop debating skills.

Continuing an appreciation of art developed in Lower School, MS students continue to create art through different mediums while also learning about the people and places from which certain types of artwork originated. Students set their own goals and design an independent art project exploring their own areas of interest.

Students often involve more than one medium, and are encouraged to think creatively while solving a problem. Improving skills, increasing vocabulary, and developing compositions are emphasized. Acrylic painting, block-printing, throwing on a potter’s wheel, sculpture, drawing, and design also are explored. The works are frequently displayed as part of fine arts performances on campus throughout the year.

The Middle School curriculum promotes interdisciplinary studies and emphasizes inquiry-based, hands-on projects. Projects in all academic subjects introduce students to engaging concepts and incorporate peer evaluation, allowing students to discuss ideas and share constructive feedback. Our students go beyond core courses every year to explore academic, social, and technical topics in depth.

In grades 7-8, Intensives offer personalized education through choice. These educational deep-dives culminate with an Intensive Fair, where students share what they have learned with peers and MV families. In grades 4 and 5, these areas of focused learning are called Passion Process Intensive, during which students gain new knowledge on a topic of interest. MV family members often serve as instructors for these Intensives by sharing a professional or personal talent. The new insights and skills are displayed at the Passion Project Expo.

Character development and personal well-being

family with dog standing by tree

Leadership and service

Serving communities beyond our campus is an integral part of the Middle School experience. Our service-learning program teaches students civic responsibility and the value of public service. Students are constantly seeking opportunities to make a difference, from visiting nursing homes to growing food at local gardens. The Middle School Student Council plans many community-building activities, such as tailgates, water park visits, and bonfires. In 6th grade, students develop leadership and mentoring abilities through the Little Buddies program with our PreK/JK students. Students also develop leadership skills by leading discussions at their own parent-teacher conferences.

3 girl students in class

A whole-child focus

Maumee Valley believes in a whole-child focus across all grades and divisions. Our learning environment incorporates both a strong fundamental academic curriculum with an emphasis on character development. Because adolescence is a challenging time of growth and change, we provide students a safe and comfortable learning environment. This encouraging and supportive atmosphere allows students to feel secure being who they are and in taking risks. Faculty devote time every day to fostering positive relationships with students.

teacher with students with globe at table

The advisee system

Faculty are among the most important mentors in a student’s life. While this is universally true in education, the advisee system in grades 7-8 takes these interactions to a higher level. The program’s mission is to foster kindness, respect for others, participation, and responsibility. In their role as advisors, faculty mentor a small group of 7th and 8th grade advisees (students) every day, allowing them to get to know every student better. In return, these advisees also get to know each other on a more personal level.

Being comfortable speaking in front of others and participating productively as part of small groups are hallmark characteristics of a Maumee Valley graduate. These experiences produce more confidence and compassion and help to create a well-rounded person and citizen. Maumee Valley wants graduates to be articulate, astute listeners who are capable of adding value to whichever group they belong.

Enriched and enhanced opportunities

athletic female student doing high jump


Our MS athletic program is centered upon participation and development of student-athletes. We believe athletic opportunities supplement the great classroom education students receive. Our coaches work to build teamwork, sound scheme, strategy, and skill but also to develop real-life tools for succeeding in life. As athletes, students can participate in:

  • Fall: Cross country, soccer, and field hockey
  • Winter: Basketball
  • Spring: Track and field

(For a full schedule of Middle School athletics, visit the athletics calendar.)

Our games and matches are played against local and regional teams from across Ohio. Depending upon age, students compete in one of two leagues: the Toledo Area Athletic Conference (grades 7-8) or the Toledo Area Athletic Conference Youth League (K-6). TAACYL offers cross country, soccer, and track and field; TAAC offers soccer, field hockey, cross country, basketball, and track and field.

students lined up with trophies

Clubs and extracurriculars

Middle School is an ideal time for students to explore and expand beyond their current interests. We recognize our school is a melting pot of backgrounds, strengths, and creative abilities. As a result, most of our clubs are student-proposed and serve as an accurate reflection of current interest.

If a student has a particular interest or skill that isn’t served by a current club, he or she can work with an advisor to create one. Depending upon the club, faculty and students will meet during lunch, free time, or after school. Several clubs, including Student Council, MATHCOUNTS, and Power of the Pen, are staples at the Middle School. Some short-term clubs have focused on topics such as screenwriting, the zombie apocalypse, and mythology.

students in dark cave

Group travel and exploration

In addition to field trips throughout the year, students in grades 6-8 take year-ending group excursions. Sixth graders visit Camp Joy in southern Ohio, 7th graders explore Hocking Hills in eastern Ohio, and 8th graders visit Chicago. Each adventure is chaperoned by faculty and transportation, and lodging is arranged and provided for by Maumee Valley.

During these trips, teaching allows for interdisciplinary connections, making the learning intentional and connected. The trips also strengthen student friendships and promote personal independence.

students in paper canoe

eXtended-Block (X-Block)

Experiential and personalized learning in grades 7-8 are delivered in part through our eXtended-Block (X-Block) programming. The x stands for extended, which is our way of choosing how we enlarge our curriculum beyond traditional structures.

During these periodic changes to the normal schedule, students conduct research, connect with professionals outside of school, and meet with on-campus mentors to learn more about a topic in which they are interested. Information and insights collected are later shared through projects, proposals, and presentations.

A look inside our grades

Grades 4 & 5: Nurturing learners, building foundations

Students learn how to learn, engage confidently with faculty and peers, and build a strong foundation in literacy, mathematics, social-emotional skills, and critical thinking. Our mixed age-group setting is the foundation for cultivating thinkers, leaders, and problem-solvers. Students build skills and explore concepts through student-led inquiry, real-world challenges, and community connections. We believe social-emotional learning and character development should be cultivated in conjunction with academic concepts. During these grades, students progress beyond the “how” to exploring the “why.”

Features of grades 4-5:

  • 8:1 student-to-teacher ratio
  • Small-group instruction and cross-curricular courses
  • Courses in Spanish, art, music, physical education, technology, and library
  • Student-led parent-teacher conferences


Grade 6: Gaining independence

Visit MV’s 6th grade classrooms and you will see small groups of students solving, debating, collaborating, and investigating together. They refine their communication skills daily through intensive writing instruction, literature studies, book clubs, and long-term research projects.

STEM and social studies Intensives and simulations challenge students to see themselves within a larger world and understand key events and biases that contribute to societies around the world. Faculty guide students in developing study habits and demonstrating mastery within assessments and more complex projects.

Features of 6th grade:

  • 8:1 student-to-teacher ratio
  • STEM blocks integrating math and science
  • Developing responsibility and ownership of their learning
  • Student-led parent-teacher conferences
  • Courses in Spanish, art, music, physical education, technology, and library
  • Development of a deeper understanding of personal strengths and passions

Grades 7 & 8: Preparing For The Future

These years prepare students for the Upper School experience by challenging them to test themselves, do the uncomfortable, and seek out new adventures and knowledge. Required and elective courses emphasize critical thinking and creative problem-solving.

A rigorous schedule keeps students engaged, motivated, and challenged. Speeches, interdisciplinary science, and research presentations as well as small, seminar-style classes further prepare students for Upper School.

Features of grades 7-8:

  • 8:1 student-to-teacher ratio
  • 5 Core Teachers: English, Math, Science, Spanish, Social Studies
  • Courses in Art, music, drama, physical education, and media
  • X-Block: Community service
  • Intensives
  • Independent study

Middle School Pillars

Kindness, respect, responsibility, and participation

The Middle School has its own set of principles we call Pillars, and which guide how students behave and interact with others. The Pillars of kindness, respect, responsibility, and participation are integral to every student’s learning experience. Advisors make sure that students live out the pillars through class participation, social events, and community service.

  • Practicing simple acts of kindness in everyday situations
  • Appreciating the effort and contributions of others
  • Making new friends in new social settings
  • Navigating peer conflict in positive ways
  • Respecting the rights and opinions of others
  • Communicating effectively with peers and adults
  • Having self-respect and positive self-image
  • Working cooperatively with others
  • Leading and volunteering
  • Contributing positively to the MS Community
  • Engaging in a variety of MS activities
  • Assuming responsibility for their own actions
  • Assessing their own personal and academic strengths and weaknesses
  • Setting personal and academic goals
  • Using effective study skills
  • Making positive choices

Our Middle School Staff

Aubry Katie

Katie Aubry

4th Grade Teacher
419-381-1313 ext. 108

Jill Augustyniak

Jill Augustyniak

PreK-4th Grade Intervention Specialist
419-381-1313 ext. 217

Julianne Boyd

Julianne Boyd

Educational Technologist

Charles Brown

Charles Brown

Middle School & Upper School Vocal Music Teacher

Sara Card

Sara Card

7th/8th Grade English Teacher, DEIB Instructional Leader

Aikia Carter

Aikia Carter

Lower School and Middle School Administrative Assistant
419-381-1313 ext. 145


Rob Conover

Athletic Director, Middle and Upper School Physical Education Teacher

Frank Daugherty

Frank Daugherty

7th/8th Grade Science Teacher

Sara Dowling

Sara Dowling

School Psychologist
419-381-1313 ext. 143

Salena Ferguson

Salena Ferguson

Middle School and Upper School Counselor

Bret Green

Bret Green

7th/8th Grade Social Studies Teacher, 7th/8th Grade Coordinator

Jenica Fox

Jenica Fox

K-6 Music Teacher
419-381-1313 x269

Julie Hicks

Julie Hicks

Intervention Specialist

Lindsey Konrad

Lindsey Konrad

7/8 Math Teacher

Kristin Kowalski

Kristin Kowalski

Middle and Upper School Art Teacher
Director of the Wolfe Gallery
Fine Arts Department Chair

Lauren Lake

Lauren Lake

6th Grade STEM Teacher, MS STEM Instructional Leader, 6th Grade Coordinator
419-381-1313 ext. 224

Sara Lyke

Sara Lyke

6-8th Grade Spanish Teacher

Angela McCray-Hancock

Angela McCray-Hancock

Head of Middle School
419-381-1313 ext. 147

Kathleen Mick

Kathleen Mick

PreK-5th Grade Spanish Teacher
419-381-1313 ext. 202

Renee Moebius

Renee Moebius

Library Media Specialist
419-381-1313 ext. 220

Kara Nachtrab

Kara Nachtrab

Long-term substitute for 4th Grade

Erin Ohls

Erin Ohls

Intervention Specialist

Ashley Zeiler

Ashley Ouimet

6th Grade Teacher

Phil Paskvan

Phil Paskvan

Director of Technology

Ana Rodriguez

Ana Rodriguez

7th/8th Spanish Teacher, MS & LS World Language Instructional Leader

Kristen Sanders

Kristen Sanders

Kindergarten-7th Grade Art Teacher

Morgan Seavolt

Morgan Seavolt

Lower and Middle School Physical Education Instructor

Dona Schwalm

Dona Schwalm

7th/8th Grade Math Teacher

Jenny Thompson

Jenny Thompson

5th Grade Teacher
4th/5th Grade Coordinator
MS Humanities Instructional Leader

Sarah Tilton

Sarah Tilton

4th Grade Teacher

Holly Wallace

Holly Wallace

5th Grade Teacher

Ebone Waweru

Ebone Waweru

Full-Time Building Substitute